This c graphics program draws basic shapes such as circle, line, rectangle, ellipse and display text on screen using c graphics. This can be a first graphics program for a beginner.
C programming code
int gd = DETECT,gm,left=100,top=100,right=200,bottom=200,x= 300,y=150,radius=50;
initgraph(&gd, &gm, "C:\\TC\\BGI");
rectangle(left, top, right, bottom);
circle(x, y, radius);
bar(left + 300, top, right + 300, bottom);
line(left - 10, top + 150, left + 410, top + 150);
ellipse(x, y + 200, 0, 360, 100, 50);
outtextxy(left + 100, top + 325, "My First C Graphics Program");
return 0;
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