This program generates captcha, a captcha is a random code generated using some algorithm. We will use random function in our code. These are used in typing tutors and in website to check whether a human is operating on a website.
#include<stdlib.h> #include<dos.h> #include<graphics.h> main() { int i = 0, key, num, midx, gd = DETECT, gm; char a[10]; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"C:\\TC\\BGI"); midx = getmaxx()/2; settextstyle(SCRIPT_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,5); settextjustify(CENTER_TEXT,CENTER_TEXT); setcolor(GREEN); outtextxy(midx,20,"CAPTCHA"); settextstyle(SCRIPT_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,2); outtextxy(midx,125,"Press any key to change the generated random code \"captcha\""); outtextxy(midx,150,"Press escape key to exit..."); setcolor(WHITE); setviewport(100,200,600,400,1); setcolor(RED); randomize(); while(1) { while(i<6) { num = random(3); if ( num == 0 ) a[i] = 65 + random(26); /* 65 is the ASCII value of A */ else if ( num == 1) a[i] = 97 + random(26); /* 97 is the ASCII value of a */ else a[i] = 48 + random(10); /* 48 is the ASCII value of 0 */ i++; } a[i] = '\0'; outtextxy(210,100,a); key = getch(); if( key == 27 ) /* escape key*/ exit(0); clearviewport(); i = 0; } }
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